For some reason, the much embattled New York Knicks were featured on National TV (ABC) Sunday afternoon as they took on the heavily favored San Antonio Spurs at Madison Square Garden. However, to the surprise of most, the Knicks won 94-90. Here are some Knick-doubting tweets from before the game…
Twitter knows best. #Knicks
— Matt McGavic (@Matt_McGavic) February 12, 2017
We shouldn't be wasting Hubie on a game like this. Spurs will win by 30
— Scott Isaacs (@ScottIsaacs) February 12, 2017
The @spurs about to tipoff with the New York Trainwre … Knicks. The New York Knicks #GoSpursGo
— Kelly Crandall (@KellyCrandall) February 12, 2017
Knicks about to get embarrassed on National TV again
— Dennis Stansfield (@DennisUltima) February 12, 2017
Knicks about to get embarrassed on national television again… #nba
— JRSportBrief (@JRSportBrief) February 12, 2017
What happens at #MSG today besides a loss to the #Spurs on national tv? #Knicks
— Bruce Tennen (@BruceTennen) February 12, 2017
Oh man Knicks about to get clowned on national TV again, aren't they?
— Funky Cold Luda (Taylor’s Version) (@lcm1986) February 12, 2017
ABC really gonna make us watch the Knicks lose by 30 smh
— Pain Gretzky (@HypeBeastRelly) February 12, 2017
I'd like to apologize now for the #Knicks performance on national TV tomorrow. You deserve better, America.
— Andrew Claudio (@AndrewJClaudio) February 12, 2017
I seriously cannot believe we're on national TV again tomorrow. That's just cruel & unusual
— Knicks Dude (@knicksdude) February 12, 2017